這棟由吳威廉牧師設計建造的優美紅磚洋樓,昔稱「姑娘樓」,建於1906年,為當時淡水女學校校長金仁里姑娘、高哈拿姑娘兩位女宣教師的宿舍。「姑娘」是台灣教會對外國單身女宣教師的尊稱,而曾經生活於「姑娘樓」的還有黎瑪美、安義理、杜道理和德明利等姑娘,在二次大戰期間,姑娘樓一度成為淡水中學男生宿舍,並改名為「朱雀寮」。戰後,除了重回淡水的杜道理、德明利姑娘之外,在淡江中學服務的李仁美姑娘、高瑪烈姑娘也都居住於此。 1965年因真理大學創校所需,最後一位女宣教師徳明利姑娘搬往淡江中學後,「姑娘樓」便成為真理大學校長室,校方對本建築一直視為古蹟加以維護保存。
The House of Maidens (Go-Niu Lao) This elegant, western-style red brick building was designed and built by the Reverend William Gauld in 1906 as a missionary residence for Go-Niu Jane Kinney, the headmaster of Tamsui Women’s School, and Go-Niu Hannah Connell. (Go-Niu is an honorific title for single female missionaries of the Presbyterian churches of Taiwan.) Other Go-Nius to live in this house were Mabel B. Clazie, Lily Adair, Dorothy Douglas, and Isabel Taylor. During W.W. II, the house became the boy’s dormitory of Tamkang High School, renamed Chū-Chhiò Liaû, “Hall of Rosefinch.” Dorothy Douglas and Isabel Taylor would live in it after the War; so did Geraldine Greer and Margaret MacKenzie. Taylor left for her new residence in Tamkang High School in 1965, the same year Tamsui Oxford College (now Aletheia University) was founded. Since then it has been the Office of the President and thus well maintained and preserved.