



此白堊洋樓為1875年馬偕博士所建的兩棟宣教士宿舍之一,作為馬偕博士助理牧師宿舍。自第一任華雅各牧師之後,繼有閏虔益牧師、黎約翰牧師及吳威廉牧師在此生活。之後,寓居本處者,還有羅虔益先生、孫雅各牧師和韋彼得牧師等。 宣教士離開後,一度改為婦女義塾校舍。二次大戰期間也曾作為淡江中學男生宿舍。戰後英商德記洋行租賃此屋時,為便於覽觀山河勝景,於前方增建二樓而成今之樣貌。1971年改為真理大學校長寓所,2009年後,真理大學復其舊觀,以紀念歷代在台灣服務的宣教士。

Missionary House This white, western-style house built by the Reverend George Leslie Mackay in 1875 served as a second missionary residence for his visiting assistant pastors. Reverend J. B. Fraser was the first to stay here. Other missionaries to stay included K. F. Junor, John Jamieson, William Gauld, James I. Dickson, and J. D. Wilkie. The Missionary House also served as a charity school for women after the missionaries moved out, and another boy’s dormitory for Tamkang High School during W.W. II. After the War, the house was leased to British Tait & Co. (now Tait Marketing & Distribution Co., Ltd), a second floor added to the front of the building for a better view of the adjacent mountain and river, and how it looks today. In 1971, it became the presidential residence of Tamsui Oxford College. In 2009, Aletheia University restored the building to commemorate the missionaries who dedicated their lives to the service of this country and its people.

目前教士會館為簡餐餐廳,提供飲料、輕食、商業定食、假日全天候早午餐、甜點。營業時間為每週二-週日 10:00-17:00。歡迎各位前來品嘗。


